What A Busy Day, With 44 Students Taking Exams!
The team arrived early on Saturday morning to get ready for the day ahead. Last-minute preparations were straight underway, adding songs to the exam playlist, moving furniture and a few final routine run-throughs. Then the examiner arrived, this time with an assistant, who was doing some examiner training. It was a first for us, but our pleasure to have two lovely ladies with us for the day.
Let The Exams Begin
The first students arrived right on cue, excited and eager to get started but equally nervous too. No matter how much we prepare, nerves are always high, even for the teachers. The first few exams seemed to go slowly, whilst we got back into the rhythm of things. All of a sudden, it was complete madness! Students everywhere, parents pinning up hair and securing numbers, photos being taken, teachers swapping between the music desk, dancing and organising the next group. Thankfully lots of the parents have done exams with us before and knew what they needed to do, checking the timetable to see who was up next. We even had some helpful parents making tea and coffee for the examiners, and for us too!
The Day As A Whole
Overall the day ran smoothly, with very few hiccups. One student danced through a freestyle exam dosed up on medication after kicking the floor so hard in the Jive they thought they’d broken their toe! What a trooper! Jive seemed to be the cause of all issues actually, with two of our girls getting their heels caught in their skirts – at least we know they were doing their technique right. Thankfully all of us teachers managed to remember most of the routines we needed to, there were about 20 different routines in total, so we did quite well!
Our Incredible Students
All our students were incredible, not just in the way they danced but in their general attitude all day! There was a buzz in the room, lots of happy smiling faces and as always lots of support shown to one another. We are so proud of all of you. Fingers crossed for some great results!
To see some wonderful photos from exam day, have a look at our photo highlights.