
Intermediate Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes


Intermediate Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes in the Cheltenham area.

NextSteps Timetable

For More Information About NextSteps Please Contact Ms. FineSteps

Wednesday: 6.15 pm – 7.15 pm – St Christopher’s Church Hall

Thursday: 8.20 pm – 9.05 pm – Belmont School

Please check our Facebook page for up-to-date information or any last minute changes.

NextSteps is our Intermediate Ballroom & Latin classes for people wanting to improve their dance skills. Although open to everyone to attend, this class is only recommended if you have some experience of dance and are fairly comfortable with semi-complex dance routines.

Don’t have a partner? – No problem, individuals can benefit from our NextSteps classes and are welcome to come along. Alternatively you might want to try our extremely popular SoloSteps, in fact there is nothing to stop you attending both classes if you choose. Check our Calendar for details and locations to see if there’s a place that’s convenient for you.

Please call or email prior to attending your first class as sometimes venues and times may change.