
Advanced Ballroom and Latin Dance Classes


Advanced Ballroom and Latin Dance Classes in the Cheltenham area.

SignatureSteps Timetable

For More Information About FirstSteps Please Contact Ms. FineSteps

Wednesday: 8.00 pm – 9.00 pm – St Christopher’s Church Hall

Our Signature class is primarily for advanced dancers and people experienced with Ballroom and Latin dancing. So come ready to learn something new and exciting, not to mention great exercise!

The pace is fast, so it’s important to bring your best to the class.

Don’t have a partner? – No problem, individuals can benefit from our Signature classes and are welcome to come along. Alternatively, you might want to try our extremely popular SoloSteps, in fact, there is nothing to stop you from attending both classes if you choose. Check our timetable for details and locations to see if there’s a place that’s convenient for you.

Please call or email prior to attending your first class as sometimes venues and times may change.